Minggu, 08 November 2009

Learn How to Access Your Past Lives - 2 PROVEN Ways to Find Out Who You Were in a Previous Life!

By Danny Fredricks Platinum Quality Author
Okay...let's talk about some of the more odd, exotic and esoteric elements of psychic research and paranormal phenomena. Like what? Well...do you believe in reincarnation? Have you ever had a strange feeling you've lived before...but simply can't put your finger on where, or who you were? If you said "YES", you are not alone! The simple truth is that the evidence for past lives and reincarnation is MUCH stronger than many people realize, and there are simple techniques that can help you tap into the reservoir of your "soul's" true journey...in a jiff!
Filed Under: Dream Journaling and Regression Therapy
One of the fastest, "do it yourself" sort of ways to tap into your past lives is through dream interpretation, or even past life regression. Both tap into the power of the subconscious mind, and allow you to open up a WIDE window into the power of your true potential at the very same time.
As a matter of fact, regression therapy has been proven to help MANY people overcome a whole bunch of different fears, insecurities, phobias, anxieties and other pernicious problems that afflict many of us in our present life. And even the most CYNICAL (and skeptical) scientific observer who does NOT believe in the idea of past lives at all.....MUST admit that the therapeutic value of the regression experience, or through dream analysis, can be a very beneficial practice for those who are NOT being helped by more traditional, or conventional therapies.
(note: entire books have been written on the therapeutic and "healing" effects of hypnotic regression for past life recall -- it's truly amazing, and even if you are a NON believer, you can't come away without believing something very healing is happening)
Filed Under: Past Life Psychic Readings -- an EASY Way to Step Back in a Second!
Past life readings are definitely the easiest, and most impactful way to get an immediate window into the power and possibility of your OWN past lives.
Because many psychics are "sensitive" to your spiritual energy...and if you believe that this energy transcends the body, and actually transcends the limitations of ONE lifetime (as many of us most certainly do....including myself!) it's actually very easy to read the "karma" that this life has accumulated.
And a good psychic reading can blow your mind...often tapping into your past lives...AND your future ones to boot! (very exciting and the #1 thing that got ME so interested in this whole field almost 20 years ago!)
Click HERE -- for a Past Life Psychic Reading.
(the ONLY Online Psychic Service That's GUARANTEED to be Great......or You DON'T have to Pay!)

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Is There an Afterlife? 9 Astonishing Facts That Prove the Afterlife is Real (No Bull!)

By Danny Fredricks Platinum Quality Author
Is there really an afterlife? Does life truly continue after my physical body is no more? And is there any scientific "proof" that we actually CAN (and do) survive our physical demise? In this article we tackle the tough terrain of the afterlife and see what many different sorts of REAL phenomena may have to say about where YOU are going when this life is over.....and it's NOT necessarily what our religious teachers or textbooks tell us!
The Weight of The Evidence is Overwhelming That Life Goes On....and On.....
Any individual story, anecdote or experience is really proof of nothing. But the overwhelming evidence for something, EVEN when science turns a blind eye, often is.
What do I mean? Well....when you look at the individual elements of facts that "support" an afterlife, it's often easy to dismiss and fantasy....or wishful thinking. But when you ADD all of them up, and look at them as a whole, they are amazingly evidential that something truly extraordinary happens at the moment of, (and after) physical death.
Some examples?
  1. Near Death Experiences: (people who have extraordinary experiences while "clinically" dead, often with no vital signs or brain activity for many minutes)
  2. Out of Body Experiences: (people who leave their bodies, and see things happening many miles away that are later validated - often called Astral Projection, which is usually thought of as the INTENTIONAL experience of learning to leave one's body, rather than it happening spontaneously)
  3. Crisis Apparitions: People who appear to others in "spiritual" form at the moment of death, or severe trauma. Many of these cases have been reported in wars, or when someone is struck with an unexpected trauma like a sudden heart attack or car accident....and "appears" to others many miles away to say goodbye
  4. Death Bed Visions: People who report seeing loved ones at their death beds, often "invisible" to others in the room (although....NOT always..:-) who have come to help them "transition" to the other side
  5. After Death Communications: (or ADC's) Very simply, these are more commonly thought of as "ghosts" - when someone who is LONG dead appears after their demise to you in physical, or energetic "form" to communicate something. (often is important....and other times can be trivial and re-assuring)
  6. Mystical Experiences: The personal process of having something extraordinary happen that leaves NO doubt in your mind that you are NOT your physical body alone. Very powerful, very personal, and very transformational. (many religious leaders, icons, prophets and other figures throughout human history have based their entire theology on the mystical experience - Moses seeing the "burning bush" in the Old Testament being a textbook example of it's power to change lives)
  7. Reincarnation & Past Life Research: The compelling cases of people who remember past lives in incredible and fascinating detail, speak foreign languages they've never heard, play musical instruments they've never seen, and do all sort of other amazing things that science can NOT explain under currently accepted "laws" of how things work
  8. Mediums and Psychics who Talk to the Dead: Yes, many are con's, charlatans and money making scams....but MANY mediums are genuine, authentic and do AMAZING things that simply cannot be explained by conventional means. They SAY they are talking to the dead....and some of the most amazing cases would suggest that the dead most CERTAINTLY are talking back!
  9. ITC and EVP: Basically, electronic voice phenomenon or communication from the other side that's "captured" using modern equipment like a basic voice recording from the "other side" or more sophisticated stuff like images and even phone calls from beyond. Don't laugh...they are MANY compelling cases of this sort of thing, and some of the GREATEST scientific minds studied this with vigor, zeal and a FIRM belief that something truly transcendent was happening. (including great scientific luminaries like Tesla, and Thomas Edison, who was working on a device to "talk" to the other side prior to his death)
The bottom line?
In total, the evidence ALL supports that life is a continuous affair...and your soul has a lot more to say after this life is over..:-) Is this GOOD news? I think so! And a good reason to live a life that you can be proud of, and focus on the sort of stuff that's TRULY forever. (the relationships you forge in this lifetime MAY last a lot longer than you believe..:-)
(And there is NOTHING that will give you the freedom of thought, mind and spirit than learning there is FAR more to your life than meets the eye!)
Simply START by opening your spirit & enhanced AWARENESS and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild, wacky and wonderful world of the unknown..:-) It WILL rock Your WORLD...I promise..;-)
Who Else Wants to Experience Radical Inner Peace & Magnificent Well Being?
Read on...to discover how to develop psychic POWERS, learn blissful meditation and SO much more.......quickly, easily and magically even if you are a complete novice and have no idea what you are doing!

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Past Life Regression - The #1 Way to Discover Your Past Lives (Without Danger, Drugs Or Disaster)

By Danny Fredricks Platinum Quality Author
Are you serious about exploring your past lives? Are you curious if you've REALLY lived before? Do you TRULY believe there is far more to the universe, and our individual experiences than the simple, trivial encounters of each and every day? If you said yes... you would probably be WELL suited to the study of past lives and reincarnation! Sounds like a pretty exotic idea, but in fact... it's really not!
Filed Under: Reincarnation, Old Souls and Past Lives in Science
Suffice it to say, there are PLENTY of serious scientists who believe reincarnation is real. Dr. Ian Stevenson wrote a very meticulous book over 30 years ago called "20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation" that was actually excerpted and quoted in the leading Medical journal of the day. (and to this very day is considered an unbiased, scientific and SERIOUS study of inexplicable memories, abilities, birthmarks and resemblances in children who remembered detailed past lives that were supported by facts impossible for them to have been exposed to)
Even Carl Sagan, the noted astronomer, and skeptic of paranormal stuff overall, was fascinated by reincarnation and believed it was one of the areas that needed to be studied by science due to some of the overwhelming and more impressive cases that were hard to explain away.
The best way to "test" to see if YOU'VE lived before?
Regression therapy. Yes, it has it's detractors. And yes, some "past life" memories could be simply blips in the brain, or deep dreams, or even conjured up memories from TV shows, movies, or even things you were exposed to as a child. (as some skeptics argue) BUT... there is an amazing body of evidence that supports the idea that past life "recall" is one of the BEST therapeutic tools to overcome all sorts of traumas, emotional problems, relationship issues and just about everything else under the sun. Dr. Brian Weiss, for example... the famous Dr. and author who has written many books on the subject, has "cured" people of all sorts of serious maladies, simply by regressing them BACK to the life where the problems originated... and regardless of what you believe is "really" happening, his amazing results speak for themselves!
The Bottom Line?
Start with your dreams. The secret to where you've been in the past... is often revealed by studying, and analyzing your dreams! It's safe, easy and inexpensive, and the results may just blow you away!
Interested in Knowing More About YOUR Past Lives?
DOWNLOAD your FREE Dream Interpretation Software Right Here!
Life Mastery Labs: Technologies for Transformation

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Warning! 3 Questions to Never Ask a Psychic (#2 is Especially Dangerous)

By Danny Fredricks Platinum Quality Author
Who else wants to know what NOT to ask during a psychic reading? If you are anything like many of the smart people who enjoy our articles and comment on our content, the simple truth is that you probably have your hand held high right now, right? It's true....and it never ceases to amaze me how many people ask this question, as they are simply unsure if there are any "rules" about what is, and is NOT ok (or smart) to ask during a reading.
So what are some examples of things NEVER to ask during a psychic reading? Continue reading on as we take a look at some of the biggest "no-no's" below!
Don't Ask Long (or Leading) Questions: In other words, don't ask questions that "drop the ball" in terms of information. Why? The more YOU say, the more you GIVE away. A good reader should keep you to yes and no answers, especially as he or she is getting a feel for your energy.
Never Ask About Your Own Death! Please - don't do it. It's awkward, creepy and it doesn't feel good for the reader, OR you... even if they see it clearly. It's also a dangerous question in so far that it may "color" how you live your life thereafter, and if the reader was WRONG....well guess what? You could be setting yourself up for lots of life regrets as a result.
Never Ask Challenging Questions of the Readers Ability (or Integrity): This is a HUGE "no-no", and one that unfortunately, many people aren't sensitive, polite or smart enough to avoid. If you don't feel like a reader is doing his or her job right, then end the reading. Trying to do investigative work by challenging the intuitives credentials or previous successes is not only a bit uncomfortable, it's sure to ruin the energy and JOY in helping to understand yours.
Bonus Tip: Set specific goals before you begin. Set aside a certain amount of time and money you feel comfortable spending, and stick to it. If you've got 25 dollars budgeted for a reading, simply let the experience unfold over that time, and let the reader know from jump you have a fixed amount of time to spend, and then have other obligations.
This actually sets a very relaxed, but specific set of time and informational expectation on YOUR end that the reader knows they have to meet to keep you happy, and actually works very well for all involved! (Psychic Source actually has a money back guarantee based on this policy which is also super cool!)
Warning! Don't get scammed by another "fake" Psychic EVER Again!
Skeptical? Good! Get a Genuine Psychic Reading Here!
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