Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Warning! 3 Questions to Never Ask a Psychic (#2 is Especially Dangerous)

By Danny Fredricks Platinum Quality Author
Who else wants to know what NOT to ask during a psychic reading? If you are anything like many of the smart people who enjoy our articles and comment on our content, the simple truth is that you probably have your hand held high right now, right? It's true....and it never ceases to amaze me how many people ask this question, as they are simply unsure if there are any "rules" about what is, and is NOT ok (or smart) to ask during a reading.
So what are some examples of things NEVER to ask during a psychic reading? Continue reading on as we take a look at some of the biggest "no-no's" below!
Don't Ask Long (or Leading) Questions: In other words, don't ask questions that "drop the ball" in terms of information. Why? The more YOU say, the more you GIVE away. A good reader should keep you to yes and no answers, especially as he or she is getting a feel for your energy.
Never Ask About Your Own Death! Please - don't do it. It's awkward, creepy and it doesn't feel good for the reader, OR you... even if they see it clearly. It's also a dangerous question in so far that it may "color" how you live your life thereafter, and if the reader was WRONG....well guess what? You could be setting yourself up for lots of life regrets as a result.
Never Ask Challenging Questions of the Readers Ability (or Integrity): This is a HUGE "no-no", and one that unfortunately, many people aren't sensitive, polite or smart enough to avoid. If you don't feel like a reader is doing his or her job right, then end the reading. Trying to do investigative work by challenging the intuitives credentials or previous successes is not only a bit uncomfortable, it's sure to ruin the energy and JOY in helping to understand yours.
Bonus Tip: Set specific goals before you begin. Set aside a certain amount of time and money you feel comfortable spending, and stick to it. If you've got 25 dollars budgeted for a reading, simply let the experience unfold over that time, and let the reader know from jump you have a fixed amount of time to spend, and then have other obligations.
This actually sets a very relaxed, but specific set of time and informational expectation on YOUR end that the reader knows they have to meet to keep you happy, and actually works very well for all involved! (Psychic Source actually has a money back guarantee based on this policy which is also super cool!)
Warning! Don't get scammed by another "fake" Psychic EVER Again!
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