Minggu, 08 November 2009

Learn How to Access Your Past Lives - 2 PROVEN Ways to Find Out Who You Were in a Previous Life!

By Danny Fredricks Platinum Quality Author
Okay...let's talk about some of the more odd, exotic and esoteric elements of psychic research and paranormal phenomena. Like what? Well...do you believe in reincarnation? Have you ever had a strange feeling you've lived before...but simply can't put your finger on where, or who you were? If you said "YES", you are not alone! The simple truth is that the evidence for past lives and reincarnation is MUCH stronger than many people realize, and there are simple techniques that can help you tap into the reservoir of your "soul's" true journey...in a jiff!
Filed Under: Dream Journaling and Regression Therapy
One of the fastest, "do it yourself" sort of ways to tap into your past lives is through dream interpretation, or even past life regression. Both tap into the power of the subconscious mind, and allow you to open up a WIDE window into the power of your true potential at the very same time.
As a matter of fact, regression therapy has been proven to help MANY people overcome a whole bunch of different fears, insecurities, phobias, anxieties and other pernicious problems that afflict many of us in our present life. And even the most CYNICAL (and skeptical) scientific observer who does NOT believe in the idea of past lives at all.....MUST admit that the therapeutic value of the regression experience, or through dream analysis, can be a very beneficial practice for those who are NOT being helped by more traditional, or conventional therapies.
(note: entire books have been written on the therapeutic and "healing" effects of hypnotic regression for past life recall -- it's truly amazing, and even if you are a NON believer, you can't come away without believing something very healing is happening)
Filed Under: Past Life Psychic Readings -- an EASY Way to Step Back in a Second!
Past life readings are definitely the easiest, and most impactful way to get an immediate window into the power and possibility of your OWN past lives.
Because many psychics are "sensitive" to your spiritual energy...and if you believe that this energy transcends the body, and actually transcends the limitations of ONE lifetime (as many of us most certainly do....including myself!) it's actually very easy to read the "karma" that this life has accumulated.
And a good psychic reading can blow your mind...often tapping into your past lives...AND your future ones to boot! (very exciting and the #1 thing that got ME so interested in this whole field almost 20 years ago!)
Click HERE -- for a Past Life Psychic Reading.
(the ONLY Online Psychic Service That's GUARANTEED to be Great......or You DON'T have to Pay!)

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